Nkumu Fed Fed has constructed the Gwan Multi-Purpose Centre in Bali which serves as the base of the work of the organisation.The Centre is equipped with a Rehabilitation and Skills Department. Constructed in 2006 the Gwan Centre has gained wide recognition as a pioneer centre for the rehabilitation and training of young girls and boys withdrawn from situations of child trafficking, orphan children and vulnerable children from poor homes.
Multiple programs are carried out in the Centre with funds donated by Nkumu Fed Fed General Assembly, individual patrons and partner organisations. The Administration of the Centre is made up of the following:
- A GMC Coordinator.
- An Assistant GMC Coordinator in charge of Investment.
- A Social Worker.
- A Warden.
- Several Volunteers.
- Several Volunteers.
- A Warden.
- A Social Worker.
- An Assistant GMC Coordinator in charge of Investment.
Each year the Department admits an average of 30- 40 vulnerable children. Based on the recommendations of the Social workers, children in situations of distress are provided shelter in the Centre while children from stable homes are admitted as non-residents.
Skills training is provided for all children in vocations which include: hairdressing, tailoring, carpentry, art and craft, mechanics, wielding, etc….Children graduate from their trainings and kits are provided to support their installation in the community.
Civic education programs bring in several experts including university student mentors to prepare young children for effective reintegration in society.
A small Micro-finance loan has been introduced to children resident in the centre to run a poultry and do farming to augment their feeding and generate petty income for their needs.
Gwan Centre Multistakeholder Advisory Committee is made up of the following:
Program Coordinator.
Assistant Coordinator.
Representative of NFF EXCO
Branch Presidents
Project Coordinators: Special Needs children
Partner Representatives:
Social affairs
Community Representative:
Bali Council
Children’s prefects
Representative Parents
Representative Trainers